We’ve spent the best part of a decade so far searching out and acquiring what we feel are some of the best vineyards in the entire South Okanagan. From our home block on the famed Black Sage Bench to our incredible Feuille D’Or vineyard on the equally renown Golden Mile we feel each of our properties brings unique and special character to our wines.
While we are certified sustainable by SWBC, we do not employ systematic organic farm certification as we believe the spirit of engaging in sustainable and organic farming practices should not be for marketing and sales purposes. Instead it should be done for the good of the land and for the good of those who work it. Most important of all, keeping our farm healthy and devoid of chemicals is for our children and our children’s children.
Furthermore because our holdings are not in one physical location but instead spread out in multiple different parcels throughout the south Okanagan, the logistics, paperworks and administration of applying and maintaing organic certification is so complicated and costly that we almost need a full time team member to manage this. As a small, multi tasking, hands on and passionate operation, this doesn’t fit our work.